
  • Article 14 Of Indian Constitution
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 07:53
    Article 14 Of Indian Constitution

    The State shall notconfer any title on anybody whether a citizen or a non-citizen except therecognition of academic and military distinctions. Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan,Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri and other State awards are not regarded as titles interms of Article 18(1) of the constitution. The Supreme Court in BalajiRaghavan Vs Union of India 1996 case stated that these are meritorious awardsbased on excellence in the respective fields. The theory of equality does notmean that the State should not recognize the excellence.

    Article 14 of the Constitution of India. Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides for equality before the law or equal protection within the territory of India and prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, or any of them. The State shall not deny to any person equality before. The court further added that such amendment shall not take away the fundamental rights of the citizen which are provided by the Constitution of India. Such law is a law under article 13 of the constitution. This case is also referred as Fundamental rights case. Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain, 1975; The Supreme Court held clause 4 of 39 th amendment as unconstitutional and void as it was out rightly denied of the right to equality enshrined in Article 14.

    (b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public.———————————————————————So this article of our constitution says that the state will consider everyone equal in terms of their access to any public property or wealth. The reason this article was brought in was that in the ‘50s our India had a great issue of untouchability. People were simply denied access to public toilets, wells, bathing ghats etc. Based on their caste or religion. So this article never talks about restricting anybody’s access to these public properties and hence gives a positive right to the people.

    Article 14 of indian constitution act

    So in a sense, it is a positive step for the people discriminated, allowing them equal access to the public resources available. “Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children.”———————————————————————-So it states that even though the state will not discriminate anyone, they can make special provisions only for women and children for safeguarding their interests. From the main article we understand that it may be like having some bathing ghats marked only for women, or some wells accessible only for women or some other public properties made accessible only to women etc. So we understand that if these provisions are made men will not be allowed to access those resources. This also clarifies that all these resources are public resources and NOT any private resource.To understand this abuse, if you read this you will know how many such provisions already exist today only for women.

    We wonder why in spite of the existence of so many provisions Indian women are never empowered.Article 15(3) – Children Are Never EmpoweredOn the other hand article 15(3) also talks about empowering children, but we don’t see new laws coming for empowering children that often. In fact, in recent past we have seen only Sexual Harassment of Children law being passed by the parliament whereas for women a new Sexual Assault Law (Nirbhaya Act), Workplace Harassment Law, Domestic Violence Act, Amendment to Hindu Succession Act and many other laws are passed and different reservation policies in public places (like transport, ladies special etc.), less tax for women taxpayers, Concession in House Registration, grace marks in IIM etc. Are also enacted. Also provisions of Salary to the Wife, Marital Rape, Provisions under Food Security Bill etc. Are discussed.We wonder why women are given much more security and rights than even our children under Article 15 (3) and why most of these laws actually talk about creating a harsher provision for men (which is negative right for men) rather than giving women right (which is positive right).

    And there can be no other reason other than the popular vote bank politics. We understand that children are not a vote bank for our politicians but women are. Hence we are made fools every day. Positive and Negative RightsTo understand the concept of positive rights vs negative rights let’s take the example of Marriage Law Amendment (IrBM). Here a wife was given the right to her husband’s inheritable and inherited property where she had not contributed.

    Article 14 of indian constitution pdf

    Article 14 Of Indian Constitution Explanation Pdf

    So this was negative right for husband where the right to his own property was supposed to be taken away in the name of giving the property to the wife. If the constitution was followed then Govt. Should have designed a welfare program for those women from govt.

    Funds (and not from the husband’s money).So even if we agree with what our leaders said in the parliament that –“98% women do not own property” even then the husband does not become responsible for giving them property. Now imagine how could unmarried women get property in this rule? This again confirms that IrBM bill was never intended to empower women but was aimed at extorting families so that the drama of empowerment continues.Since this property given to the women under IrBM was not PUBLIC property but belonged only to their husbands, the applicability of Article 15 (3) did not arise ( note constitution gives right to access to public places, institutions, properties etc. And not any private property).

    Article 14 of indian constitution

    So this bill directly violated Article 15 that spoke about the state not discriminating one based on one’s gender. Yet this was passed by Rajya Sabha for reasons.Our constitution makers wanted to bring reservation or special provisions only for 10 years.

    However, our politicians are continuing the same for vote bank politics and showing Article 15(3) as a reason. However, the constitution only gave permission to create special provisions and not new laws for women. Unless this sense prevails in our legislature we can’t stop the anarchy prevailing in the society in the name law misuse and taking our legal system for a ride in all women-centric laws.Related Articles – 1. So, you believe in Vedic philosophy, that says women should be protected. So, you also need to believe in the philosophy that women should be ‘under’ supervision of men,don’t you think so? Children are ‘under protection’ of their parents.

    That is why children are not considered ‘equal’ to parents. The reason is when two individuals become ‘equal’, one can’t be taken for granted to ‘protect’ or take care of the other.

    Since, feminist concept is equality, men can’t be taking care of women. Do you understand how BIG hypocrite you are?Considering ‘children’ as equal to men is a stupid thing. They should NOT be considered as ‘equal’ to men. If that happen then a lot of problems will start. Children will start disrespecting their own parents. The whole social structure will break down.

    Also, if children are equal to adults (males or females), then can we consider children for PM? Plain and simple answer is ‘NO’. So, only idiots can think that children should have equal rights. In fact, there can’t be equal rights at all and rights is based on responsibilities.

    That does not mean people should not be protected. These are different aspects.In fact, even two men are not equal. Everyone is unique and we are always ruled by other powerful men.

    For instance, you and me are not same. In your company, if everyone is treated equal then there will be no organization. Similarly in a society everyone can’t be equal.

    Article 14 Of The Indian Constitution

    That is why socialism didn’t sustain. Study more about world history and stay tuned to my blog to know more about how stupid is the idea of equality.Like. Only way forward is multi-fold.1. Educate (literally do LLB, why not?) oneself about law2. Go ahead and defend yourself (and your family members) in all cases, as Party-in-person3. Stay away from women folks outside our immediate family members. You never know who can file false cases on you (when wife can file, why not other ablas)4.

    Article 14 Of Indian Constitution

    Of course, explore innovative ways to file PILs across India’s HCs, against mis-interpretation of Constitution of India and thereby misuse of so-called beneficial lawsLike.

    Article 14 Of Indian Constitution
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